LISTEN has come to an end. In our last newsletter we report about our final event in Palermo, present the winners of the LISTEN award and inform how to receive the LISTEN label, to show that your organisation engages in promoting refugees’ learning with innovative methods. Check it out here.
Tag Archives: results
LISTEN in Palermo
The Italian partner CESIE has done a storytelling event connected to LISTEN in Palermo. They aimed to foster the integration of migrants by using storytelling.
In a workshop the participants learnt how to structure stories, how to create atmosphere and, of course, how to tell them. The workshop was in Italian, so participants automatically used and learnt the Italian language. The storytelling workshop was a great success. Some of the participants decided to tell their publically, others to write them down.
Pictures, reports and stories of the Palermitan event you can get here.
The Power of Storytelling
During our project and work with storytelling we are finding permantly information about the power of storytelling. A very beautiful video with the famous actor Ian McKellen as storyteller we want to share with you:
But not also actors and storytellers know about the power of storytelling. It is also a topic for scientific researches. An scientific article about her results studying the storytelling culture in Southern Africa you can find here.
LISTEN in Göttingen
During the last week of June, BUPNET and blinc helped a group of migrants to create their own radio show. The radio show was created in cooperation with VHS Göttingen and StadtRadio Göttingen.
The participants were German language learners who have left their countries of origin for different reasons. To combine these two aspects, they have chosen the topic “Flucht und Bildung” (“flight and education”) for their radio show. During the week they learnt some storytelling methods, and developed the interviews, reports and music they wanted to share during the show.
LISTEN survey – the outcomes
Storytelling Magic by Frits Ahlefeldt
Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed to our research and helped us to understand how trainers and facilitators feel about storytelling and the idea to connect it with radio broadcasting to give refugees a voice in their new communities.
Click on LISTEN_survey results to access the presentation of the main outcomes. The biggest surprise to us was to see how wide spread and established storytelling already is in education and that everyone agrees on its power to bring people together, to learn and to understand eachother. This gives us confidence and assures us that we are on the right track with LISTEN.
The overall research report includes results from an additional desk research and interviews with professionals in the partner countries. The full report opens, if you click on this link.