

To visualise the development of skills and competences of educators who apply storytelling in their work, and of their learners, the LISTEN project uses a thorougly tested and powerful validation system called LEVEL5.  The system is based on a 3-dimensional approach to validate cognitive, activity related and affective learning outcomes – which is visualised in the LEVEL5 cube.                  

LEVEL5 is system to support a holistic learning process that benefits learners and educators. The validation system can be adapted to any specific learning pattern, especially in the domain of informal and non-formal learning.

LISTEN offers LEVEL5 to to make visible the acquired competences of learners and educators who apply the LISTEN approach. The impact of applied sorytelling and broadcasting stories to a broader public in order to give refugees a voie in the hosting societies can be assessed and evidenced with LEVEL5 based on specific reference systems on storytelling and broadcasting related competences.

How to make use of LEVEL5

The LISTEN project offers an online interface to self-assess and document learning outcomes related to applied storytelling and broadcasting. The system offers 10 competences to select from, of which each is described for the cognitive, active and afective dimension of a competence on 5 subsequent levels, which are defined in line with Blooms taxonomy of learning objectives.

After a brief registration for LISTEN on myVITA, our learning and networking platform*, where you can also create a personal e-portfolio to evience and share your personal achievements, you can access the interface for free, and when having finalised the procedure, receive a learning certificate that evidences your progress for the chosen competence(s).

The system will guide you through the process. Firstly you edit your own data which are to appear in the certificate. Secondly you describe the learning context in which you developed your competences. Then you choose the competence(s) you wish to assess and do the self-assessment for two points in time: at the beginning and at the end of your learning experience. After having finished all steps, you write to info(at) to receive your certificate.

Click here to start the procedure.

*MyVITA and LEVEL5 are both hosted in Germany on private servers of the BUPNET GmbH and comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)